Your own self-flying drone for delivery? Yes please!

drones de reparto autonomos

Fun fact of the day:  Did you know that one of our drone motors is 6x more powerful than your kitchen mixer? Crazy right? How the most powerful tool in the kitchen has 6x less power than our drone. Want to know another wild fact? Linking Drones has developed the first ever self-flying drone that […]

5 Reasons why Drone Delivery will take over the future

drones de reparto autonomos

Let’s cut straight to the chase: drone delivery is not just a passing trend. It’s here to stay and set to redefine our world in the next 5 years. Here’s why: Lightning-Fast Deliveries No one likes to wait, and drones are the perfect solution to our need for speed. They cut through the air at […]

Introducing Linking Drones to the Tech World

June left us with fond memories, especially our participation at South Summit 2023  in Madrid. We have many stories to share from this event! Spotlight in Spacetech This year, the organizers selected us among the 100 finalists in the Spacetech startup competition. We shared the stage with some of the field’s most promising ventures. The […]

How Linking Drones Reduces Carbon Footprint

drones reducen huella de carbono

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re intrigued by the promise of sustainable drone delivery. As we all grapple with the challenges of climate change and become ever more passionate about cutting-edge tech, a key question emerges: How can we merge our love for technology with eco-friendly practices without exacerbating our carbon footprint? This is […]