Introducing Linking Drones to the Tech World

Maria Reyes Maroto, the former Spanish Minister of Industry, Trade, and Tourism, Angel Niño, Councilor for Innovation and Tech & Maria Benjumea the Founder & President of South Summit

June left us with fond memories, especially our participation at South Summit 2023  in Madrid. We have many stories to share from this event!

Spotlight in Spacetech

This year, the organizers selected us among the 100 finalists in the Spacetech startup competition. We shared the stage with some of the field’s most promising ventures. The summit buzzed with energy and excitement. Connecting with tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs from around the world was exhilarating.

Conversations and Connections

We dove deep into discussions about innovation, sustainability, and, of course, the future of drones. Each conversation inspired us and reinforced our commitment. We had the pleasure of meeting Maria Reyes Maroto, the former Spanish Minister of Industry, Trade, and Tourism. We also met Angel Niño, Councilor for Innovation and Tech & Maria Benjumea, the Founder & President of South Summit. Talking with these esteemed figures underscored the significance of our work at Linking Drones.

More Than Technology

South Summit 2023  reminded us that our drone isn’t just another piece of tech. We’re part of a global movement. We aim to create a future where technology and humanity thrive together. Competing in Spacetech validated our vision. It let us show how our drones can foster a greener, more interconnected world.

A Note of Thanks

We want to thank South Summit, Madrid Innovation, and La Nave for the unforgettable experience. We also want to acknowledge the brilliant minds we encountered at the event. Your drive, creativity, and desire to better the world inspire us daily.

Shaping the Future Together

Our time at South Summit 2023  wasn’t just about competition. It affirmed our mission, expanded our knowledge, and celebrated innovation. We look forward to the journey ahead and invite you to join us. The sky’s the limit, and together, we will soar!